About LeadingAge Minnesota FileSender privacy

This service stores information about files in log files, including data about who is allowed to do something and what happens to files.

Note that expired files are automatically deleted. If you delete a transfer, you also delete all related files and e-mails.

LeadingAge Minnesota FileSender 'shreds' deleted files. Shredding involves overwriting the physical location of files. The actual data disappears. This gives you extra privacy. On this page you will find information about the retention period for log files.

Number of days information is retained

Value Description
70 Maximum number of days until a transfer expires
10 If a transfer fails you might be offered the ability to report the issue directly through this web interface. That report will be removed from the server database after this many days have passed.
30 Number of days emails sent to a user will be retained
0 Once a guest has expired they are removed after this many days
120 Days that a log of what actions have happened is retained.
90 Days that a log of tracking events are retained. These are primarily email bounce events.
The email addresses you send files to are stored while your account is in the system. You can delete just this specific information in your user profile at any time using the button to clear requent recipients on the My profile page. Note that the button on the my profile page will only clear part of your profile, the email address may still be in one of the above logs for the duration that those logs are kept.